Tuesday, 24 February 2009


In response to Theo's recent post on 'small-church'. Perhaps for the sake of balance, it might be worth considering point Two from the below post by Kevin DeYoung:


I don't think the battle is between large and small churches or auditorium and house-churches. These are all false dichotomies. The real battle is how exactly we are to make each individual local church the best and most appropriate and relevant expression of the universal church of Christ for its local area.

This is why the church is so diverse - because the world is diverse and each community is essentially unique with its own character and needs. This is why different 'models' of church all seem to be working in different places.

1 comment:

  1. "The real battle is how exactly we are to make each individual local church the best and most appropriate and relevant expression of the universal church of Christ for its local area."

    I could not agree more, or have put it better!
